By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | Haziran 13th, 2019

ABR / BERA Test (Newborn Hearing Tests)
Bera / Abr test is made in two types;
Otoacoustic emission / bera abr Screening

The neonatal hearing test sends a special sound to the inner ear with a small probe placed in the external auditory canal when the baby is in its natural sleep, and the response of the outer hair cells in the inner ear to the sound is measured. This process does not hurt the baby and does not lead pain. It is a simple measurement that takes a few minutes. Hearing is evaluated as an objective, no involvement of the baby is required. Hearing test can be performed on every baby who has 6 hours after birth.
The first condition of normal speech development is normal hearing. A basic requirement for a child to learn to hear and speak, to communicate and to develop their skills by playing games. As soon as the children are born, they begin to hear and listen. When they learn to speak, they mimic the sounds they hear in their surroundings.
According to research, every 1000 healthy newborns are born with 2 to 3 hearing loss. Hearing loss adversely affects the cognitive, psychological, social and physical development of the child. Early diagnosis of hearing loss is critical to speech development, quality of life and academic achievement. Early diagnosis, hearing loss children also provide normal or near-normal speech and language development.
Therefore, it is recommended that each newborn should be under the first month, preferably before discharge from the hospital, by performing a hearing screening test and to determine if it is at risk for hearing and hearing loss.
2. Clinical Bera ABR
The device can vary according to the brand model from 10 db to 110 db + -10 db within the limit of I-III-V. It gives information about the location of the waves and gives information about the hearing and hearing pathways in the clinic. Clinical bera abr test is used in children with suspicion of hearing loss.
• First you need to know; Our operation is definitely not a radiological process, it does not harm your child.
• There are no incision operations.
• Have your child bathed one day before the appointment date; especially clean the back of the ear and forehead.
• Leave your child sleepless on your appointment and do not let him / her sleep on the road.
• Have breakfast at the hospital.
• Ensure that your child’s skin is cleaned before your child is put to sleep at our hospital.
• A small pillow that you may need to shake your child
Auditory Brainstem Behavior (ABR / BERA) test is the most valid electrophysiological method which is objective, which does not require the participation of the baby and is widely used in audiological diagnosis. Babies and older children, who cannot be done in their natural sleep, are under sedation. ABR process does not harm the baby and does not hurt. Small electrodes placed on the forehead and back of the baby and a special audible stimulus are sent with the ears attached to the ears and hearing thresholds are determined by recording the response of the auditory nerve to the stimulus.
ABR test is applied if the babies who are healthy and have no risk factor for hearing loss stay three times in the screening test. In addition to the screening test, babies who have remained in the neonatal intensive care unit or have other risk factors for hearing loss should also be evaluated with ABR.
Major reasons to apply ABR HEARING TEST
• Family history of hereditary, hearing loss
• Babies born before 35th week
• Babies with birth weight less than 1500 grams
• Infections such as measles, rubella, syphilis, CMV, toxoplasmosis during the mother’s pregnancy
• Developmental abnormalities in the baby’s face and head, in the auricle and in the ear canal
• Increase in blood jaundice in blood
• Staying on lung breathing machine for more than 5 days
• Hearing loss with other findings suggestive of a syndrome
• Type 2 neurofibromatosis and neurodegenerative disorders

Even if the babies pass the hearing test in the neonatal period, hearing loss may develop in those who have a risk factor. For this reason, it is useful for parents to closely follow the development of their children’s hearing and speech, and to consult a doctor if they have concerns.
In any case, these babies’ hearing is controlled simply and there is no hearing problem. Hearing control tests, which are common in all over the world, have been mandated by the Ministry of Health in almost all countries.
